you are the Hero in your
children's eyes

In 2018 I found out I was going to be a Dad for the first time. It was a surreal point of my life realizing in that moment, it will no longer be just about me, and soon come there will be another person who will look up to me for guidance, love and support.

For the last 16 years that I've spent in Law Enforcement I've experienced it all - the good, the bad and the ugly. Before becoming a father I experienced calls regarding children's well-being or worse, and felt the effects. However, they didn't hit the same as they do now. Children change us. They change our routine, they change our perspective, but most crucial of all they change our hearts and the way we love.

Many will have children, but it truly takes a certain kind of person to become 'dad'. I've seen the way a child changes a man — the way they make us grow and the way they make us see a new purpose of life. I've seen the way a fever or broken bone can seem like the end of the world when it’s your own child’s. Children humble us in ways you will never know until you have your own.

As a LEO and First Responder, I see how important each day is and making it back home. I see how even in our darkest moments our children lighten the load.

To every dad out there- you are the Hero in your children's eyes and the comfort in the home. From the dads of 13FA, we appreciate your dedication to the community, your family, and your children. Happy Father's Day 

CEO/Owner/LEO − Chris